Thursday 21 November 2013

Is the fake news the real news?

In chapter 14 “Culture jamming is understood as a mode of resistance to the norms and conventions of mass culture that exposes and opposes the medias underlying power structures and ideological messages” (O’Shaughnessy, Stadler, 2012, pp.213). This makes it legitimate to suggest that new reports such as the daily show is a mainstream form of culture jamming. I would even go as far as to say shows (or skits) such as saturday night live may even be usuing similar culture jamming tactics. “Culture jammers use their familiarity with the codes and conventions of advertising and other forms of communication to throw a spanner in the production of meaning by creating spoofs, defacing texts,  and subverting the intended meanings of the media texts that they choose to rework” (O’Shaughnessy, Stadler, 2012, pp.213-214), which is similar to what both rick mercer and many skits from SNL do. They mock the media world and diminish consumerism and consumption. They use forms of humor to show justice and are a useful addition to the public sphere. It is useful because it challenged individuals to go against the norm, or to re-think their views on a particular subject that most media has branded into our minds. “... Culture jamming has exposed the way that advertising offers tantalizing images of unattainable perfection that serve to fuel consumption” (O’Shaughnessy, Stadler, 2012, pp.215). Giving people a different perspective and challenging mainstream media (that brainwashes you into consumerism and imposes standards and views) is very important in media and Culture jammers are very helpful in doing so.  

Brenda Bouk

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